Success Stories

Issues: Arthritis, Blood Pressure, Weight Loss, Depression

When I met James, I was lying to myself. My health was in a downward spiral and had been for many years. The arthritis pain in my hips, shoulders, hands and feet made just getting through the day difficult and painful to say the least. My weight was well over 300 pounds on my 5’ 9” frame, and needless to say my blood pressure reflected as much. My Doctor had me on meds for the pressure and diuretics. At 54 I was headed for an early grave, and the path was a painful one.

I hope I paint a good picture of what my mental state was when James and I met. I was in denial and dying. The last thing I really wanted to listen to was someone trying to help me! That’s the funny part, when I needed the help the most, my depression and self-loathing was preventing me from even entertaining the notion that someone would be willing to help.

James, with his gentle non-confrontational nature simply wore me down over time. Planting little seeds of knowledge that eventually led to my writing this.

Over time I learned that my health was a result of many things, eating, exercise, sleep and allergies to foods to name only a few. Once I began to really listen to what James was telling me, I began to notice small changes in the way I felt, for instance the never ending pain in my hands started to go away, and I had better range of motion in them.

Thus my journey began. I took James’s advice and watched my diet, I exercised 3 times per week (weight training), I made sure to get enough quality sleep each and every day. Over a year my weight dropped 50 pounds, my arthritis no longer bothers me, and my Doctor has taken me off all my medications for high blood pressure and fluid retention (not to mention he brags about me to my trainer!).

I have accepted that I did not get unhealthy overnight, and I will not return to good health quickly, further I will have to make long lasting changes in my behavior for those benefits to remain.

James has been inspirational and supportive, always there to give advice and guidance each time I asked.

I’m lucky to have found him.

John C.

Issues: Weight Loss, Drinking, Depression

When I meet Mr. Garcia I weighed about 270 lbs, was a heavy drinker, and was weening myself off antidepressants that I had been on for about 5-6 years. After a brief conversation with him, we agreed to setup a meeting so he could educate me on natural vitamins and make recommendations. That meeting was very extensive and upon speaking with him, I learned a great deal. Although I had taken supplements for years, I was not aware that natural vitamin where used in so many daily processes of the body and how the lack of them can affect your wellbeing. With his help, I learned which nutrients my body was needing instead of guessing which ones might help me. So, as I made the changes to my diet and adjustments to my supplements based on his recommendations, I slowly started losing weight. After 4 years, I'm still maintaining my new weight at 200 lbs, and am feeling much better and healthier. Additionally, my drinking is at an all-time low. Not only do I feel great but my blood works confirms my body is doing great.

G. Gonzalez

Issues: Low Energy, Cholesterol, Sleeping Patterns, Blood Prssure

I met with James a little over two years ago, and I can truly say that my health has taken a 180 degree turn for the better because of his nutritional guidance, plus a lot of hard work on my part. During our initial meeting, James analyzed my health history, encouraging me to educate myself concerning the pharmaceuticals I was currently taking. He recommended certain supplements and additions to my diet that have helped me feel so much better physically. I started juicing about two years ago and that has made a huge positive difference in my energy level and sleep patterns. James’ knowledge about how certain foods affect how I feel has motivated me to change my eating habits---I’m certainly not perfect, but for a sixty-eight-year-old woman, I think I’m doing well. Since working with James, my doctor has taken me off of my cholesterol medicine and also reduced the milligrams of my blood pressure medication. Regardless of your health issues, James has the answer, and I highly recommend his expertise and professional manner.

Laurie M

Issues: Weight Loss, Low Energy, Mental Focus and Fatigue

In December of 2015 I was a 5' 11" 54 year old male who weighed 250 pounds. It was hard to do everything; get out of bed, get off the couch, stand from a squatting position, you name it! I was tired all the time. I took naps or dozed during the day even sometimes at work. My wake up call came when I was on a bathroom break at work and I dozed off, falling over and hitting my head on the stall wall!! It was time for a change!
December 4, 2015 I started my weight loss journey. Again, I weighed 250 pounds, wore size 2X shirts and had a 42" waist. By May of 2016, just five months later, I weighed 176 pounds, wore a size large shirt and had a 34" waist! Not bad huh??

I had a lot of help along the way. My kids cheered me on, folks at work were very supportive and competed with me, and I met James Garcia. I have always been a good weight loser with my favorite low carb diet but the weight always seemed to return. James fixed me up with a vitamin regimen that took the diet to new heights and also provided me; my body and mind with the proper nutrients throughout the weight loss process, giving me an extra edge. Cravings disappeared, I was bursting with energy, and my focus and will power to stay in the game never went off the course. It was simply amazing! Let's agree the diet was a complete success and then some!!

I am writing this testimonial on July 19, 2017 and all is still great. I weigh 185 now due to a good weight training program and still feel great! More muscle means more fat burning ability. I also have the ability to break diet and still maintain focus and weight goals. Thanks again James for helping me achieve my goal but even more so helping me to continue to maintain those goals.
